Actualités > eCOM.lu était invitée à la première Ecommerce World Round Table
eCOM.lu était invitée à la première Ecommerce World Round Table à Barcelone le 7 juin 2015 et était représentée par son président Pierre Friob.
Ecommerce Europe launched the first Worldwide E-commerce Roundtable on Sunday 7 June in Barcelona, bringing together some of the biggest representatives of the e-commerce sector in the United States of America, Egypt, China and several countries in Europe. The directors of e-commerce associations from around the world discussed global and regional opportunities and challenges for online shopping.
The President of Ecommerce Europe, Mr. François Momboisse, welcomed the participants, including the National Retail Federation/Shop.org from the United States, Itida from Egypt and BECA and SCEA from China. He noted that: “It is a unique opportunity for Ecommerce Europe to bring so many representatives from around the world together and to discuss main challenges in the sector on a global level. The Internet knows no borders, and the e-commerce sector is therefore a global sector by definition. To facilitate further growth of the e-commerce sector it is essential that we work together and sustain an open international dialogue. As the European e-commerce sector we have a lot to offer to our peers in terms of our expertise, and a lot to learn from them regarding innovative capacity and policy solutions from around the world”.
Ecommerce Europe presented the participants with the latest Global B2C Ecommerce Report 2015 and the latest European B2C Ecommerce Report 2015, containing trends and facts and figures about the development of the e-commerce sector, both on a global and on a European level. Ecommerce Europe also presented its study on the rise of global market places. Participants noted some shared trends and developments, as well as some developments specific to particular regions. Ecommerce Europe noted for example that cross-border growth in the European market is hampered by specific barriers such as differences in legal framework, a lack of transparency in the parcel delivery market, and differences in VAT and taxation systems, according to the Ecommerce Europe survey “Barriers to Growth” (2015).
All participants were invited to share what they consider to be solutions to their main issues – both on a regional and a national level – hampering the worldwide growth of the online retail sector. Many participants indicated that international negotiations on platforms such as the OECD and the UN on topics like global and bilateral trade issues, taxation policy, global marketplaces and competition need to lead to more convergence in the global e-commerce market. The participants proposed common recommendations to policy makers around the world to further stimulate global e-commerce. The first Worldwide E-commerce Roundtable forms a solid platform for future cooperation; the executives of the e-commerce associations at the table specifically stressed the need to work together in developing global interoperable frameworks for online sales.